

Hypnotherapy is here for ages but it is now that the therapy is gaining immense popularity. A lot of people are visiting hypnotherapists to seek help with problems like depression, anxiety, fears, phobias, etc. But does hypnotherapy for fear and phobia work? Let’s see…

What are Phobias?

A phobia is an excessive fear of a specific object, place, or activity that triggers a compelling desire to avoid that situation. It is simply a response to a trigger in the brain. To everyone else, it may seem silly, but the one with a phobia feels a genuine fear. It is not their fault that they fear something and not something they can get over it without any help.

It is an unconscious automatic response to stimulus and as per scientists, it can be unlearned. As per scientists, only two fears are hereditary or naturally instinctive: the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. There are two main types of phobias: Social Phobias and Specific Phobias. Fears and phobias can leave people feeling trapped which is a horrible feeling.

Phobias can be severe in some individuals while others just have mild anxiety over that fear. People who are not able to overcome their instinctual panic reactions need some instant help.

10 Common Fears and Phobias…

  1. Social Phobia: the fear of being negatively evaluated by the public
  2. Arachnophobia: the fear of spiders
  3. Agoraphobia: the fear of any place or situation where escape is challenging
  4. Aerophobia: the fear of flying
  5. Acrophobia: the fear of heights
  6. Brontophobia: the fear of thunder and lightning
  7. Claustrophobia: the fear of small confined spaces
  8. Carcinophobia: the fear of cancer
  9. Emetophobia: the fear of vomit
  10. Necrophobia: the fear of death

How Hypnotherapy for Fear and Phobia Can Help?

There is hope. Most phobias can be treated and hypnotherapy has emerged as one of the effective ways to get rid of or at least reduce such problems. Hypnosis works by teaching the subconscious mind to act calm and deal with triggers appropriately rather than a meltdown.

Hypnosis is a safe and simple process that allows the therapist to reach the deepest corners of the subconscious mind. It is that part of the mind where all the memories, good or bad, and emotions are stored. A hypnotherapist can help release those fears or any bad experiences in life.

Talking about phobias, many of them are learned responses and this makes them vulnerable to hypnotherapy. Therapy can help unlearn the fear response and ease the associated fear or anxiety. Many hypnotherapists may use ‘Parts Therapy’ to treat fears and phobias. It involves finding the part that has the phobia like which aspects of the subconscious mind have fear.

Hypnotherapy for fear and phobias aims to help people…

  • feel relaxed in situations that trigger fear
  • Become a person totally in control
  • Let go of fears that are causing anxiety
  • Handle tough situations with ease
  • Get rid of negative emotions

However, it is imperative to make the right choice in finding the Hypnotherapist. So, take time finding someone with a license, reputation, credibility, experience, and expertise.